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Australian Dog Lover
Aussies love their dogs more than their partners! A major new survey reveals a nation of pampered pooches and one of them could win $8,500 in this Wahl's Next Pet Model search.
Australia is officially a country of dog obsessives, with nearly two-thirds admitting they prefer their precious fur babies to other people, and more than half saying they get more affection from their pet than from their partner!
Four in ten owners let their dogs sleep in the same bed, 21% admit to dressing them up and more than a third give them a Christmas stocking, according to the survey of 1,300 pet owners by grooming specialists Wahl.
The astonishing findings also revealed:
✔️ 37% buy clothes for their dog
✔️ 49% groom them at least once a week
✔️ 16% arrange special canine play dates
✔️ 88% agree dogs should have the same rights as humans
Just over 69% of Aussie households own a pet, spending a record $4 billion on them last year – up an incredible $750 million in just two years. Dogs are by far the most popular domestic pet, numbering over six million, with the number of cats totalling just over five million.
The Wahl survey uncovered some hefty spending on our beloved hounds:
✔️ 40% spend between $12,000 - $24,000 a year on their dog.
✔️ Over a quarter (28%) spend up to $100 per visit on professional groomers.
✔️ Nearly a quarter (23%) cook homemade dog food.
✔️ 18% give their dogs exactly the same food they eat.
✔️ Over two-thirds buy dog toys regularly.
General Manager of Wahl Australia, Shaun Geddes said: “For Australians, dogs truly are valued members of the family, so they’re happy to splash out on making sure they have the tastiest food, the highest quality grooming products and plenty of chew toys.”
The survey also revealed that we don’t even see our dogs as animals! 84% said their dog has the same emotions as members of their family and an incredible 59% consider them surrogate children.
To celebrate Australia’s love and dedication to their furry best friends, Wahl, the #1 pet grooming brand in Australia, is today announcing the search for Australia’s Next Pet Model – with over $8,500 in prizes for the best groomed and cutest pooch.
"Some animals arrive in deplorable condition into our care and desperately need a grooming makeover. In some cases, this can free them from much pain and discomfort. This generous donation from WAHL will make a long-term difference to the animals in AWLQ's care."
"When animal lovers come together, amazing things happen. To WAHL, we say thank you! Your compassionate support of AWLQ makes all the difference to animals in need." added Craig.
If your four-legged friend is a budding Cindy Paw-ford, Claw-dia Sniffer, Bark Refaeli or Heel-ina Christensen, go to the Wahl website for DIY grooming tips and entry details.
Until Monday 20th March 2023, you can simply post a photo of your dog on Instagram and tag @wahlaustralia and #wahlnextpetmodel. The winner will scoop a $8,500 pooch pampering pack and become the face of Wahl for a year.
“We’re looking for Australia’s canine supermodel!” Shaun added. “It’s about ditching the catwalk and introducing the dogwalk!”
Are you dog owner living in Brisbane?
Make your pet feel like a celebrity!
Come on down to Victoria Park Off-Leash Dog Park on Saturday 18th March 2023, from 8:00am-12:00pm.
There will be pooch promo packs for the first 50 attendees, along with free coffee and puppaccinos to the first-in-best-dressed plus giveaways for both dogs and their humans!
Come on down to Victoria Park Off-Leash Dog Park on Saturday 18th March 2023, from 8:00am-12:00pm.
There will be pooch promo packs for the first 50 attendees, along with free coffee and puppaccinos to the first-in-best-dressed plus giveaways for both dogs and their humans!
About Wahl
The Wahl Clipper Corporation was founded by Leo J Wahl in 1919 in Illinois, USA. Its range of electric razors, beard trimmers and hair clippers are sold in over 150 countries. It was the first company to produce cordless hair clippers with rechargeable batteries and a no-mess vacuuming beard trimmer.
In Australia, its products are sold in Shaver Shop and other major electrical retailers. Wahl is the No.1 brand for pet grooming in Australia with a full range of shampoos, pet clippers and brushes for the DIY groomer.
Wahl’s pet grooming products are available at PetStock, Petbarn and online retailers.
The Wahl Clipper Corporation was founded by Leo J Wahl in 1919 in Illinois, USA. Its range of electric razors, beard trimmers and hair clippers are sold in over 150 countries. It was the first company to produce cordless hair clippers with rechargeable batteries and a no-mess vacuuming beard trimmer.
In Australia, its products are sold in Shaver Shop and other major electrical retailers. Wahl is the No.1 brand for pet grooming in Australia with a full range of shampoos, pet clippers and brushes for the DIY groomer.
Wahl’s pet grooming products are available at PetStock, Petbarn and online retailers.
Follow Wahl on Facebook: @wahlaustralia; Instagram: @wahlaustralia; #wahlnextpetmodel.
MEDIA RELEASE, 2nd March 2023
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