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Australian Dog Lover
Here at Second Chance Animal Rescue, we’re sitting with Angel, a gorgeous four-month old French Bulldog puppy surrendered to us as she couldn’t find a home due to her disability.
Angel was born without the proper use of her back legs and the team at SCAR are trying to give her the best life possible through our community animal hospital by providing the vital surgeries she so desperately needs.
Here’s a video of this cutie: https://youtu.be/zp6P-4OKArg
This happy, energetic puppy came to Second Chance Animal Rescue in Craigieburn, Melbourne, like so many other animals that find themselves in our care – desperate for a life full of love.
However, being born with a disability affecting her hind legs that sees her drag them along behind her, means that she has a long road of medical care ahead of her before her dreams can be realised.
To help Angel, please visit: www.mycause.com.au/events/scargivingday
Angel is just one of the many special animals in our care that requires intense medical treatments and ongoing aid in order to give her the best second chance possible. We will never give up on these animals who deserve a loving home just like any other pet.
About Second Chance Animal Rescue (SCAR)
SCAR was established in 2008 in the loungeroom of SCAR Founder and veterinary nurse, Marisa Debattista, as she realised that too many dogs and cats were being put to sleep simply because pounds and shelters didn’t have the space to keep them. After years of fundraising she has moved the shelter from its previous home in Campbellfield to a new facility in Craigieburn.
The Shelter and Animal Hospital facility in Craigieburn rescues animals, due to be euthanised, from other pounds and shelters and offer them a second chance at finding their forever homes. The Facility also offers affordable veterinary care and free pet food and medical care to the pets of people struggling financially.
The Shelter and Animal Hospital facility in Craigieburn rescues animals, due to be euthanised, from other pounds and shelters and offer them a second chance at finding their forever homes. The Facility also offers affordable veterinary care and free pet food and medical care to the pets of people struggling financially.
MEDIA RELEASE, 11th May 2021
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