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Win 4 copies of The Canine Perspective Book by Sarah Rutten

Win 1 of 4 copies of The Canine Perspective by Sarah Rutten Using Force-Free Methods to Unleash Your Dog's Pawtential 
In this book, renowned Canine Behaviour Specialist Sarah Rutten from The Canine Perspective shares her 20 years of expertise as a force-free trainer, bringing to life this funny, no BS look at dogs and dog behaviour.

Learn the insider tricks that professional dog trainers rarely share, to achieve incredible results and build a stronger bond with your furry, four-legged family member.

You'll receive a personalised copy, signed by the author!

What You’ll Find Inside This Book:

It’s Cool to Be Kind: Learn all about force-free training and how to use these science based techniques to build connection, and have a well-trained dog, all without the use of punishment or force.

✔️ Dog Speak: Discover the key to reading your dog’s body postures, so you can better “speak” their language.

✔️ Behaviour Solutions: Fun, easy, step-by-step solutions for addressing common problems, like barking, pulling on lead, not coming when called, and jumping up.

✔️ Raising Kids and Dogs: Learn strategies to create harmony between your children and pets (without going batsh*t crazy!).

✔️ Reactivity and Aggression: Understand what’s REALLY going on in your dog’s mind when they lunge and bark at others (it may not be what you think).

And so much more!

Whatever problem you are facing with your dog, Sarah’s got you covered with her comprehensive, down-to-earth, honest approach to dog training. This book will have you laughing, crying and in awe of these wonderful creatures we call man’s (or woman’s) best friend.

Learn more in Sarah's recent guest blog post: "Is my dog normal (or just plain weird?)

Paperback,‎ 256 pages
Independently published, 12 August 2024

RRP: $34.95 from

About the Author
Sarah Rutten Dip CBST KPA CTP CPDT-KA is an author, force free trainer and self-confessed dog behaviour nerd, who runs a highly successful canine behaviour and training business in Australia. Sarah’s passion for dogs and their welfare, combined with her thirst for knowledge has led her to obtaining numerous qualifications, both in Australia and Internationally. 

She adores helping humans and dogs improve their bond, and loves assisting them in learning how to communicate better “interspecies”.
As well as doing in-person and Zoom consultations, Sarah also runs a comprehensive online Puppy Empowerment Program specifically for puppies between the ages of 8 weeks and 6 months. She also is a keynote speaker and educator.

Find out more by visiting

You can follow her on Facebook at and @thecanineperspective on Instagram.

*** Win 1 of 4 copies of A Canine Perspective 
by Sarah Rutten ***
(Total Prize Pool: $140.00)


1) Like our post (16/10/24) + Facebook page and/or our Instagram Account

2) Tell us "what behavioural issue(s) are you experiencing with your puppy or adult dog that you need assistance with?" via our Facebook page or Instagram page.


1. This Competition opened on Wednesday 16th October 2024 (4:00pm, AEST) and closed on Sunday 27th October 2024 (11:59pm, AEST)
Open to Australian residents only. 
Congratulations to our winners this week:  D. Kitson, N.Cottrill, M. Ravenscroft (via Facebook) & @ashleyhowland42 (via Instagram).
Please allow 1-2 weeks to receive your book directly from the Author.
2. To Enter, Like our post (16/10/24) + Tell us "what behavioural issue(s) are you experiencing with your puppy or adult dog that you need assistance with?" via the Australian Dog Lover Facebook page or Instagram page.
3. This Promotion is a game of skill and chance plays no part in determining the winner.
The entries will be judged by the Australian Dog Lover team. The winning entries will be selected based on the most creative, informative or useful statement.
4. Entrants in the competition can only enter once.
5. Prizes not claimed within 48 hours will be redrawn.
* Entry into the competition is deemed acceptance of all terms and conditions.

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