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Australian Dog Lover
Over 12 months ago Dog Rescue Newcastle launched a campaign to purchase and build the first no-kill animal sanctuary in the Hunter (NSW).
Since the launch of this initial fundraising campaign, we were able to raise over $70,000 to go towards the deposit in the middle of a pandemic, thanks to the amazing support of our animal-loving community.
After much research, consultation and planning we realised that our grand vision for a sanctuary was going to be years and hundreds of thousands of dollars away with no guarantee and we needed to act sooner.
Last month, a suitable property appeared on the market that ticked all the boxes but required a significant amount of work however it was doable!
Last month, a suitable property appeared on the market that ticked all the boxes but required a significant amount of work however it was doable!
On 1st August 2021 we acquired a 2-acre property in Fullerton Cove, which is located 25 minutes north of Newcastle.
This property will allow us to have up to 40 dogs on-site and provide ongoing training and rehabilitation until the dogs are moved into foster care or adopted.
This property will allow us to have up to 40 dogs on-site and provide ongoing training and rehabilitation until the dogs are moved into foster care or adopted.
We have named this property simply "Newcastle Animal Shelter".
The Shelter will include multiple exercise yards, indoor & outdoor training yards, long-term accommodation for special cases, a community pet pantry, event space, memorial garden, retail store and adoption office.

The goal of the shelter will be to give death row dogs in pounds and at-risk situations in the Hunter a second chance to find a forever home.
We will have a number of community and outreach programs focusing on key areas in the community to improve pet ownership and help keep people and pets together.
Our programs will help and include:
• Community Training Days & Puppy Pre-School
• Domestic Violence
• Social inclusion - Physical & Mental Disabilities
• At-risk Youth - Training Programs
• Extensive Mental Health Program
This is not the sanctuary we had dreamed of but it's the shelter we need right now. Our goal is to not only make Newcastle and the Hunter no-kill but to also work with the community and educate and reduce overall animal surrenders and abandonment.
The Shelter will include multiple exercise yards, indoor & outdoor training yards, long-term accommodation for special cases, a community pet pantry, event space, memorial garden, retail store and adoption office.

The goal of the shelter will be to give death row dogs in pounds and at-risk situations in the Hunter a second chance to find a forever home.
We will have a number of community and outreach programs focusing on key areas in the community to improve pet ownership and help keep people and pets together.
Our programs will help and include:
• Community Training Days & Puppy Pre-School
• Domestic Violence
• Social inclusion - Physical & Mental Disabilities
• At-risk Youth - Training Programs
• Extensive Mental Health Program
This is not the sanctuary we had dreamed of but it's the shelter we need right now. Our goal is to not only make Newcastle and the Hunter no-kill but to also work with the community and educate and reduce overall animal surrenders and abandonment.
We are still fundraising to cover the costs of the total renovations as we are a 100 % volunteer-run organisation.
You can donate at hunter-animal- sanctuary.raisely.com/
MEDIA RELEASE, 10th September 2021
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