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Australian Dog Lover
Agility Dog Club of SA announces that agility training classes will start for 2020 on Thursday March 5th, starting at 7pm.New attendees are welcome to attend the first two weeks of our introduction class for $5 per week, which will be deducted from the annual fee payable from the third week.
The sport draw crowds at public events including the recent ADCSA Agility & Jumping Trials in November and at the Royal Adelaide Show and demonstrations at the Australian International Horse Trials in November and Adelaide Lightning game in December.
The sport of dog agility involves handlers running courses with their dogs and directing them through a course of jumps, tunnels, weaving poles and other obstacles. As with the equestrian sport of showjumping, it’s the fastest clear round that wins and it’s a sport nearly anyone can get involved in with the family pet.

Dog agility is a sport suitable for most breeds with canines as small as Pugs and Jack Russell Terriers right up to large breeds such as Dobermans, Golden Retrievers, Collies and Labradors plus working breeds such as Kelpies, Border Collies and Australian Shepherds.
Handlers can be any age with everyone from teenagers to seniors taking part in training and competing dogs and currently is very popular with older female participants who can no longer play high intensity sports (such as football, netball, hockey etc).
The Agility Dog Club of SA also offers puppy classes up to 12 months which teach basic foundation exercises to prepare for agility training.
What: Agility Dog Club of SA introduction classes
The Agility Dog Club of SA also offers puppy classes up to 12 months which teach basic foundation exercises to prepare for agility training.
What: Agility Dog Club of SA introduction classes
When: first Thursday of each month with training held from March 5 – November 2020.
For more information, please visit www.facebook.com/agilitydogclubsa/
For more information, please visit www.facebook.com/agilitydogclubsa/
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