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Australian Dog Lover
February 24 announced as Australia's official War Animal Day...Australia now joins other countries including UK and New Zealand in officially recognising the deeds and sacrifices of our war animals serving alongside our troops with their own day of remembrance.
Federal Minister Scott Buchholts has announced the 24th February as Australia’s official war animal day. We are all being encouraged to wear a purple poppy in recognition of the deeds and sacrifice our four-legged and feathered diggers have made serving alongside our troops.
The president of the Australian War Animal Memorial Organisation and recent ANZAC of the year award recipient Mr Nigel Allsopp said “the 24th of February or Purple Poppy Day is a day all Australians can wear a purple poppy and think not only about our soldiers who gave their lives in war, but also spare a thought for the four-legged and winged heroes that fought and died alongside our troops”.
You can see a video of Scott Buchholtz announcement in parliament here ...
This announcement comes on the back of last year’s opening of Australia's first international war animal memorial in the heart of the WWI battlefields, just outside the French town of Pozieres. A video of the monument can be seen here ...
Proceeds from the sale of purple poppies fund the building of war animal memorials, training of support dogs for use by returning soldiers with PTSD, care packages to working military dogs and support for dogs retired due to age, injury and illness after service.
Later this year AWAMO will be issuing Blue Cross bravery awards to two Australian war animals for acts of courage.
The Australian War Memorial now has a memorial dedicated to Military Working Dogs. The Memorial 'Circling into sleep' by artist Steven Holland, signifies a dog's final steps, walking in a circular pattern before laying down to sleep.
Underneath the paw prints, the ashes of Military Working Dog 426, Aussie are interred. EDD Aussie served in the Solomon Islands, Melbourne Commonwealth Games and Afghanistan.
The Military Working Dogs Memorial was dedicated on 24th February 2020 |
Last updated 24th February 2020
Pozieres War Animal Memorial
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