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Therabis Calm And Quiet Dog Supplement - Review

Late last year, Therabis Australia reached out to us to introduce their range of dog supplements, which help dogs with joint mobility, stress and itching issues.

Relatively unknown in Australia, Therabis was founded in the US by veterinarian Dr Stephen M. Katz who has
 spent an entire decade researching, developing and perfecting these all-natural formulations to provide your pet with reliable support.

Hopefully with increased research in this area and a change in people's attitudes, the stigma once attached to the use of hemp-based pet care will disappear and we can start focusing on the health benefits delivered by these products. Would we have considered alternative remedies a few years ago? The honest answer is probably not, but we're a lot more open-minded these days.

What is used in Hemp Pet Care?

Industrial hemp and marijuana are common names for two different cultivars of the cannabis sativa plant.

The species used in hemp pet care products carries only very low levels of THC, which means that these pet products 
harness the therapeutic properties of the cannabis sativa plant without producing any psychoactive effects. It's all perfectly legal and your pooch will not be swinging off the chandelier! That being said, we noticed our senior dog was a lot perkier than usual...

How can Cannabinoids generally help your pet? 

The bulk of the research has so far been concentrated on the human side and media have widely reported on their use for successfully treating epileptic disorders in humans. In clinical studies, cannabinoids have also shown promise in treating the root cause of pain, proving joint and mobility support, producing anti-anxiety effects and supporting skin and hair health. 

Therabis is also incorporating other well-researched beneficial powerful natural ingredients in its formulas like L-theanine, bromelain, green-lipped mussel etc. to create products that target common ailments in pets. 
Therabis range of dog supplements for stress, itching and joint mobility issues
The range includes Therabis™ Calm And QuietStop the Itch and Up And Moving targeting common issues faced by modern dogs with a specific formula available in powder form (sachets) or as treat supplements.

Last year we trialled Therabis™ Up And Moving for Conner, our senior Belgian Shepherd who suffers from joint mobility issues in his hind legs and you can read our full review here.

However, our pupper's list of ongoing health and behavioural issues also includes seizures (idiopathic epilepsy) with 3-4 episodes per year on average. Since his diagnosis at around 12 months old, we realised Conner also suffers from Thunderstorm Phobia (fireworks have the same effect) so we were very keen to test the Therabis™ Calm And Quiet formula to see if we could alleviate his discomfort.

It so happened that we went through no fewer than 6 storms in one week in Sydney, building up to the New Year's Eve fireworks extravaganza the following week. We're too far away from major celebrations for the fireworks to be heard but there is no shortage of thoughtless neighbourhood idiots with illegal firecrackers... There could not have been a better time to put this supplement through its paces in real conditions!

Our Verdict on Therabis™ Calm And Quiet 
Conner Belgian Tervueren with Therabis dog supplements - Up and Moving + Calm and Quiet

The Therabis™ Calm and Quiet formula was designed to help your dogs maintain a calm energy or rather cope with exceptionally stressful situations (to them): e.g. noise phobia, car trips, strangers coming to visit, maybe even mild separation anxiety etc.

This formula contains natural hemp oil and hemp powder, green-lipped mussel,  and is enhanced with with L-Theanine (from green tea) to increase alpha wave generation and lower anxiety, plus a comprehensive vitamin blend (Vitamin CChromium), molasses. This comprehensive article on how your dog's food affects his mood may also interest you.

We noticed that the concentration of Hemp Extract (using stalk, stem and seed) is slightly lower (5mg vs 7mg) and the amount of Green-Lipped Mussel is reduced by two-thirds (200mg vs 600mg) than in the Therabis™ Up And MovingAs we weaned Conner off that first formula, we noticed his mobility decreasing after only about a week...

The Therabis™ Calm and Quiet formula also came as a powder which we sprinkled over Conner's dinner every night - it works whether you're feeding kibble, raw or you like cooking special meals for your dogs. However, it was a lot easier to mix the powder properly when we added some raw kangaroo mince or sardines and some water to ensure an even consistency.

There was clearly no issue with palatability as Conner licked his bowl clean every time. We even served it to him as a drink mixed with water a few hours prior to a major storm and he happily lapped it all up.

Calm And Quiet also comes in Treat Supplements for a fast-acting, easy to administer option to help “in the moment". However this would not work for us as Conner refuses to eat (even his favourite treats) once a storm is on its way and he'll know well before we do!

Now for the million dollar question ... Did it work?

Honestly, it was a lot harder to quantify this time around: whilst we noticed very clear physical improvements in his mobility using the Therabis™ Up And Moving after only a few days, this was a more subtle change. 

Did it take the edge off during a loud storm? 
The answer is yes: there was no whining, pawing or the massive distress we witnessed years ago but he was still shaking and panting so it's not a 100% success and we still need to use other methods in combination (masking noises, compression shirt etc.). Meanwhile, our two Malinois remained 'chilled as cucumbers' watching TV or peacefully asleep on the floor so we can be thankful for that!

Price & Where to Buy

RRP: $55-$85 (30 pack for powder sachets or 60 treats) based on your dog's weight, available from, independent pet retailers and vets.

Disclaimer: a 30-pack of Therabis™ Calm and Quiet and Up And Moving formulas were provided to us by Therabis Australia in order to complete our reviews.

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