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Bravecto Spot-on for Dogs Launches

Bravecto Spot-on for Dogs & Spot-on for Cats launches, providing new long-lasting treatment options for Vets ...

MSD Animal Health is launching two new products in its Bravecto® range as paralysis tick season commences and fleas continue to cause unnecessary problems for dogs and cats around Australia.

New Bravecto Spot-on for Dogs is the only treatment in Australia to protect dogs for 6 months against fleas and paralysis ticks (plus 12 weeks brown dog tick protection), while Bravecto Spot-on for Cats is the only treatment in Australia to protect cats for up to 3 months against paralysis ticks and fleas in one spot-on. The simple twist’n’use tube makes spot-on application easy and convenient.

Bravecto Spot-on for Dogs and Bravecto Spot-on for Cats will also reduce the incidence of flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), a common skin disease caused by a hypersensitivity to the saliva of the flea resulting in intense itching. 
Just like Bravecto Chew for Dogs which launched in Australia in 2015, Bravecto Spot-on for Dogs can be used in breeding, pregnant and lactating dogs, is suitable for puppies from 8 weeks of age weighing at least 2 kg, and is available in 5 convenient weight ranges from 2 kg to 56 kg. Bravecto Spot-on for Cats can be used in kittens from 11 weeks of age, weighing at least 1.2 kg, and is available in 3 convenient weight ranges from 1.2 kg to 12.5 kg.

Director and Veterinary Specialist at The Animal Emergency Service in Queensland, Dr Rob Webster says it is now possible to virtually eliminate tick paralysis as a cause of suffering and death for patients:

“The biggest hurdles are ensuring pet owners everywhere have sufficient understanding of the severity and risk of tick paralysis, are aware of how to thoroughly inspect their animals daily and encouraged to seek professional help at the first sign of symptoms.

“It is on our shoulders as veterinarians to do the educating and ultimately ensure dog and cat owners have access to long-lasting prevention against paralysis ticks today before it is too late. Now that there are more options for prevention, there is no reason for dogs and cats in Australia to get sick or die from tick paralysis ever again.”

MSD Animal Health is committed to raising pet owner awareness of the impact of fleas and deadly paralysis ticks in dogs and cats, and how Bravecto can protect against these nasty parasites. 

A large scale national and regional pet owner education and marketing campaign, “No Dog or Cat Should Die From Tick Paralysis”, will activate in September to drive dog and cat owners to their veterinary clinic for more information about appropriate preventative options.

MSD Animal Health has also developed educational training tools for veterinary clinic staff, including, printed material and in clinic training. In addition, the Bravecto website includes a veterinarian section with product information and clinical papers.

Dr Webster believes in making compliance easier for pet owners, through the availability of preventative treatments requiring less frequent application. This is one way to ensure dogs and cats don’t face tick paralysis and death.

Preventative treatments are often applied inconsistently, leaving dogs and cats vulnerable to parasites like paralysis ticks and fleas. This is particularly important for paralysis tick season in Australia, which is when I see most of the consequences of preventative treatment not being administered due to owner confusion, complacency, or a combination of both,” he comments.

Bravecto’s active ingredient, fluralaner, is a member of the innovative isoxazoline class of parasiticides which has been developed specifically for veterinary health. Fluralaner is absorbed systemically when applied topically as a spot-on which means when fleas and ticks commence feeding, they take up the active ingredient which causes a dysfunction of the nervous system. This prevents these parasites from moving and functioning normally.

For the latest news and information about new Bravecto Spot-on for Dogs and Bravecto Spot-on for Cats visit or call the Bravecto Hotline 1800 230 833.

About MSD Animal Health

MSD Animal Health is a global, research-driven company that develops, manufactures and markets a broad range of veterinary medicines and services. With its sister brand Coopers, MSD offers one of the industry’s most innovative portfolios, spanning products for the prevention, treatment and control of disease in all major farm and companion animal species. By consistently delivering the highest standards of quality, professionalism and integrity, our aim is to become the partner of choice for veterinarians, producers and animal owners. 

For more information, please visit

MEDIA RELEASE, 11th September 2018

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