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CANA Impact Report: a Snapshot of Animal Welfare in Australia

CANA Impact Report Highlights 15,619 Pet Adoptions in 2023–24

* CANA member agencies cared for 23,904 incoming animals, 20% of which were owner surrenders.

* Renting issues continue to be in top two reasons why people surrender their pets.

* Download the CANA Impact Report Fact Sheet here

Leading national animal welfare charity Companion Animal Network Australia (CANA or Australia CAN) highlights the complex realities of animal welfare in Australia in its 2023–2024 Impact Report.

The report shows that CANA member agencies have made significant achievements, collectively facilitating 15,619 adoptions in the past year – nearly halving the gap between incoming and outgoing pets compared to last year – and ensuring that thousands more animals found loving homes.

Formerly Animal Welfare League Australia (AWLA), CANA represents the companion animal welfare work of five member organisations nationwide. They provide rescue, shelter, re-homing, fostering, healthcare and enrichment services to more than 50,000 animals each year in their respective states.

With the support of its members, CANA leads national campaigns and initiatives, such as Pet Friendly Aged Care, Rent with Pets, and Pets in Business to promote responsible pet ownership and champion pet inclusion across all areas of society.

“In 2023–2024, we brought critical issues like pet-friendly aged care, rental housing and workplace policies into the national spotlight,” says CANA CEO Trish Ennis.

“With 69%* of Australians owning a pet, tens of thousands of people at some point in their life, will face difficult decisions about surrendering their animals due to factors beyond their control.”

The challenges facing pet owners

The top two reasons for pet surrenders in 2024 were 1) no longer wanted, and 2) renting issues, with 3) changes in circumstances, particularly homelessness, in the top five.

“We continue to see an increase in unwanted kittens being relinquished to shelters, which highlights a continuing need for education when it comes to de-sexing,” says Ms Ennis.

“The Impact Report also shows that too many people are having to make the heart-breaking decision between secure housing and their much-loved companion.”
Similarly, we are still seeing obstacles for pets in aged care.

CANA’s Aged Care Survey (2023) found that while 74% of people believe pets reduce loneliness and 86% agree that pets improve physical and mental health, only 18% of aged care facilities allow residents to keep a pet.

CANA’s advocacy efforts have driven meaningful conversations and achieved legislative progress, from greater acceptance of pets in workplaces to the inclusion of pet support in federal home care packages and bridging the gap between landlords and tenants on pet-friendly rentals.

“Our goal is to keep people and pets together—not only to reduce surrenders and euthanasia but also to support the mental health and wellbeing of pet owners,” says Ms Ennis.

Looking to the future

“None of this would be possible without the generosity of our donors, supporters and workplace giving partners,” adds Ms. Ennis. “Their support empowers CANA to educate and advocate more effectively each year. We are also proud of our members’ tireless efforts on the frontlines, compassionately addressing pet surrenders, re-homing and healthcare.”

While challenges remain, CANA is optimistic about the future.

“With a shared vision of a world where every pet has a loving home, we are committed to making 2025 another year of meaningful impact and connection. We invite everyone to join us in supporting our mission to strengthen the human-animal bond and keep people and pets together.” says Ms. Ennis.

Read more in CANA's Impact Report HERE.

About Companion Animal Network Australia

Companion Animal Network Australia (Australia CAN or CANA) is a registered charity representing the companion animal welfare work of our member organisations across the country: Animal Welfare League QLD, Lort Smith (VIC), Sydney Dogs and Cats Home, Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania and Saving Animals From Euthanasia Inc (WA). Our members provide rescue, shelter, re-homing, fostering, health care and enrichment services to more than 50,000 animals every year.

Through national campaigns, partnerships and initiatives, we advocate for the human-animal bond and promote responsible pet ownership. We use our national voice to lobby for the humane treatment of all companion animals and we rally support for our member programs that deliver high welfare standards. Australia CAN national campaigns include Pets in Aged Care, Rent with Pets and Pets in Business. 
To discover more, visit

MEDIA RELEASE, 29th January 2025

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