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Australian Dog Lover
Veterinary services on Thursday Island are limited. Vets Beyond Borders (VBB) are collaborating with the Animal Welfare League Queensland (AWLQ) and with local island welfare group Thursday Island Animal Support Group (TIASG) to deliver vitally important veterinary care to the animals on Thursday Island.
Australian veterinary charity, Vets Beyond Borders, have played a key role in providing international animal welfare services to their partner organisations for almost two decades. They also work closely with established and highly regarded Australian welfare groups to address animal welfare needs closer to home.
“We often find pet owners in remote communities have the best interests of their animals at heart, but don’t have ready access to emergency or routine veterinary services” says Dr Sally Colgan, VBB CEO.
“At VBB we strive to address the immediate welfare needs of the animals our vets see, but we also recognise how important it is to implement preventative disease management strategies that will ensure good health is maintained long after we are gone” she said.
In September this year VBB volunteers worked with AWLQ and TIASG to treat over 130 animals in four days.
“It was so encouraging to be welcomed by the community and to feel that our work was really needed and appreciated.” said Dr Colgan.
A new team of veterinary volunteers are gearing up to return to the Torres Strait Islands soon. Our small team helps to provide affordable treatments, including desexing surgeries to the community’s animals in need.
VBB’s work not only improves the lives of animals, but it’s a win for the community too, who want the best for their animals. VBB does not receive any government funding and is completely reliant on donations to deliver veterinary care to where it’s most needed.
“It’s clear that there is a need for our veterinarians and veterinary nurses to help animals in need and thanks to all our amazing and generous supporters and volunteers who allow us to continue to deliver on these great projects” explains Dr Colgan.
To learn more about Vets Beyond Borders, please visit vetsbeyondborders.org
About Vets Beyond Borders
About Vets Beyond Borders
Vets Beyond Borders (VBB) is an Australian-based animal charity, in operation since 2003, working to improve the lives of animals and humans around the world.
Through its VetMatch and VetTrain programs, VBB deploys volunteer veterinarians, and veterinary nurses to our Partner Organisations around the globe. We deliver animal health services, participate in, and manage humane animal population control programs, and engage in educational programs, to empower local communities and improve animal welfare at home and abroad.
In 2020 VBB launched VetMatch-AU - the Australian arm of the flagship VetMatch program. Through partnerships with Australian welfare organisations our veterinary volunteers provide vital assistance to animals and people in disadvantaged and remote communities.
VBB’s AVERT (Australian Veterinary Emergency Response Team) program is a nationwide database of volunteers standing by, ready to help animals when natural disasters strike or in the event of an emergency animal disease outbreak.
For more information about our programs and how you can help, please visit our website www.vetsbeyondborders.org
MEDIA RELEASE, 25th November 2021
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