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Australian Dog Lover
Face masks, shields, bandanas and face snoods - what in the world do our pets think is going on?
The COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed our lives and the lives of our pets – in particular, dogs.
We’re home more; household routines have changed and everywhere we look, people are covering their faces following mandatory face-covering directives in Victoria and people in other states choosing to wear them when they can’t socially distance.
Dr Katrina Warren says puppies and dogs relate to us by observing body language and facial cues. Depending on your dog, suddenly changing your appearance by wearing a mask can be confronting.
Dogs look to our faces to determine our moods. Wearing a mask changes that.
“When raising puppies, we try to introduce them to all things that are part of their lives – other people, children, cars, bikes and other animals. Until now, masks have not been an everyday occurrence, so for some dogs, seeing masks everywhere could be scary.”
Dr Katrina recommends the following steps to ensure your dog is comfortable around masks:
We’re home more; household routines have changed and everywhere we look, people are covering their faces following mandatory face-covering directives in Victoria and people in other states choosing to wear them when they can’t socially distance.
Dr Katrina Warren says puppies and dogs relate to us by observing body language and facial cues. Depending on your dog, suddenly changing your appearance by wearing a mask can be confronting.
Dogs look to our faces to determine our moods. Wearing a mask changes that.
“When raising puppies, we try to introduce them to all things that are part of their lives – other people, children, cars, bikes and other animals. Until now, masks have not been an everyday occurrence, so for some dogs, seeing masks everywhere could be scary.”
Dr Katrina recommends the following steps to ensure your dog is comfortable around masks:
✔️ Show your dog the face mask. Let them sniff and realise it is nothing to be wary of.
Reward them with a treat.
✔️ If your dog is comfortable, lift the mask to your face for a second or two. Reward them with a treat. Do this several times so your dog is used to seeing your face partially covered.
✔️ Put the mask on and reward them with a treat, then take it off. Always reward them when you are wearing the mask, not when you take it off. You want them to understand you wearing a mask is a good thing. Repeat this throughout the day in different locations and positions – standing, kneeling, sitting etc
Now your furry friend is comfortable seeing you in a mask, why not really make their day by wearing a custom print mask featuring them!

Fashion-forward pet lovers design their custom print mask by uploading an image of their pet and choosing their mask colour online.
“Our pets are part of the family,” says Brittany. “We wanted to create something fun but also practical during this difficult time in Australia”. “We are delighted to have engaged an Australian manufacturer to produce breathable, washable, environmentally-friendly masks according to Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) guidelines.
25% of profits will be donated to animal welfare charity, Pound Paws, who assists pounds and rescue centres with the overall rehoming process of rescue pets in Australia.
Our pets are instant mood-lifters, never failing to raise a smile.
So why not share those feel-good vibes when out and about with a custom print mask featuring your furry friend?
Price & Where to Buy
RRP: $39.95 (10 colours) from petflair.co/products/custom-print-pet-masks
You can buy 2 for $70, simply use discount code: DOUBLETROUBLE at checkout.
Masks are available for a limited time only! Order yours before August 5.
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