Written by
Australian Dog Lover
Pound Paws Inc is a registered charity which displays animals available for adoption on its website by providing links for potential pet owners to pounds across Australia. In addition, the online search engine allows potential owners to search for pets by breed, age, lifestyle or size.
It is supported by volunteers, and sponsors and donations help fund its operations.
It is supported by volunteers, and sponsors and donations help fund its operations.
You can help Pound Paws by taking advantage of this special offer on the book 'Simple Dog Care - 7 Steps to a healthy, happy dog' written by Lerida Grant in collaboration with Dr.Lisa Chimes and Dr. Joanne Righetti.
If you are new to dog ownership or want to make better informed decisions for your dogs health and wellbeing, this book is for you.
The ebook is usually $11.99 but for just one week - it will be only $2.54.
This promotion runs from Friday 16th February until Friday 23rd February 2018.
All proceeds from sales during this period will go to Pound Paws.
Simple Dog Care helps dog owners get their dog on a path to a longer, healthier and a happier life - without the guesswork.
It features:
- the 7 steps to simple dog care
- tips to make each step as simple as possible
- plain English facts, not the marketing mumbo - jumbo
- how and where to get expert advice
- how to lower your dog care costs by making informed decisions
- tips on choosing the right dog for you
- BONUS section on responsible dog ownership
"As a recent Fur Baby Parent, having someone guide me through how to deal with and plan a confusing and difficult experience was life saving ". - Adam O
The Ebook (kindle) is for one week only $2.54 from Amazon.
If you'd like to purchase a copy, please click here.
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