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Australian Dog Lover
Kids are now able to prove (or disprove) if they can handle a pet with the new PrePet App teaching – and testing! – them over a fun 21-day Challenge.
This new interactive app also aims to reduce the numbers of unwanted pets that find their way into animal shelters when the care functions outweigh the cute factors. The 21-day PrePet Challenge app simulates a real-life dog (or cat) and what it takes to keep them happy and healthy.

They do this by walking with and talking to their mobile device, tilting and shaking it, as well as ‘throwing’ a ball off screen and ‘flicking’ off poo… which, to their delight, explodes...If users are falling behind in the PrePet Challenge, they are able to treat their possible furbaby to make it up to them – but only to an extent. Just like a real-life pet, success is based not just on happiness but also healthiness.
At the end of the 21-day PrePet Challenge, children get a personalised certificate of Pet-Worthiness – or not. So there is finally a way to resolve the debate going on in many families around the country: whether the kids are responsible enough to get a cat or dog.
PrePet was the brainchild of a Sunshine Coast Dad who grew up in the country – and, in fact, wanted to stop his children asking for a pet. “The girls were going on and on about getting a horse actually, but they’ve got no idea what it takes to look after one,” Jamie Johnstone says.
“I knew I’d end up being the one going out there at the crack of dawn, so I chatted to my mate Daniel McKinnon, who runs AppFactory, and we dreamed up a life-like pet test. “My plan was to shut the horse idea down. They’ve qualified for a new dog, for now, so that buys me some time. The horse app is coming next!”
Families set the difficulty of the 21-day PrePet Challenge – in other words, the level of care and responsibility required to qualify for a new “BFF or Best Furry Friend”. This also allows for the higher care some breeds of pet require.
Families set the difficulty of the 21-day PrePet Challenge – in other words, the level of care and responsibility required to qualify for a new “BFF or Best Furry Friend”. This also allows for the higher care some breeds of pet require.
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The specific pet-care lessons and phone actions children are required to undertake through the 21 days include:
- Tip your device like you are pouring out nutritious and delicious food.
- Walk around with your device until your dog (and its owner) is fit and healthy. Pat your pet until the progress bar shows how much you love it.
- Roll the ball of wool off screen to entertain your pet.
- Tap your device until the bowl fills and your pet has enjoyed a cheeky treat.
- Shake your device until your dog is clean and beautiful again – it will thank you afterwards!
- Flick your pet’s yucky poo into the bin offscreen.
The potential pet owner will be reminded when their cat or dog needs this care via a bark or meow.
Users can see their progress at all times – for example, “Your pet needs some love” and “You are doing pet-icularly well!” It is also clearly displayed how many days remain to prove they are Pet-Worthy.
And the animations show in no uncertain terms whether their potential pooch or puss is happy and healthy, dabbing or shaking its ‘booty’ when it is pleased… and sadly hanging its head or giving off withering attitude when it is not.
And the animations show in no uncertain terms whether their potential pooch or puss is happy and healthy, dabbing or shaking its ‘booty’ when it is pleased… and sadly hanging its head or giving off withering attitude when it is not.
The PrePet app launched in early December, in time to teach and test kids before Christmas.
If their first attempt is unsuccessful, kids can repeat the PrePet Challenge as many times as it takes for them to become a responsible potential pet owner, for free.
The app is $4.49 (with a 24-hour free trial) and available for iOS and Android phones and mobile devices.
For details, please visit http://prepetapp.com/pet-challenge-prepet-21-day/
Please note that PrePet encourages families to adopt rescue animals.
For details, please visit http://prepetapp.com/pet-challenge-prepet-21-day/
Please note that PrePet encourages families to adopt rescue animals.
Media Release 15/12/2017
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