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Australian Dog Lover
It’s hungry work training to be a Seeing Eye Dog with SEDA revealing more than 200,000 tonnes of dog food has been gobbled up by Seeing Eye Dog pups and breeding dogs over the past decade – that’s more than enough kibble to fill more than 200 Olympic swimming pools!
It takes two years and costs up to $50,000 to train just one Seeing Eye Dog.
SEDA veterinarian Dr Nicola Cotton said Royal Canin’s support was absolutely critical to ensuring SEDA could continue to pair Seeing Eye Dogs with people who are blind or have low vision so they can go about their everyday lives.

“It’s only through the support of our donors and sponsors such as Royal Canin, that we can continue to train Seeing Eye Dogs. We are delighted to be celebrating our 10 year-partnership as Royal Canin help us provide clients with independence and confidence in their day-to-day lives.”
To mark the occasion, an education and awareness campaign was launched to demonstrate how the most ordinary journeys can be the most incredible with the support of a Seeing Eye Dog. The centrepiece of the campaign is a compelling community service announcement, which features SEDA client, Shelley Whyte, and her Seeing Eye Dog Evan.
The campaign shows that simple activities that we take for granted, such as a quick trip to buy milk or bread, could be out of reach for people who are blind or have low vision, but with a Seeing Eye Dog these ordinary journeys are made possible.
Royal Canin Scientific Services Veterinarian Dr Mina Magelakis said it was an honour to provide the best possible nutrition for SEDA’s amazing dogs to help them do their important work. “Royal Canin has been on the most incredible journey with Seeing Eye Dogs Australia over the past 10 years, providing the best possible nutrition to help support these remarkable animals through their breeding and training programs,” Dr Magelakis said.
“We look forward to continuing the partnership with SEDA and we hope the 10-year anniversary helps to raise further awareness of the invaluable role Seeing Eye Dogs play in providing the gift of independence and freedom for a person who is blind or has low vision.”
For more information on how you can help SEDA, please visit seda.visionaustralia.org
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